What are the primary benefits of fat freezing?

Using only cool technology to burn off fat cells and letting your body’s biological process take over, many in Singapore have favored fat freezing treatments, or better known as cryolipolysis, over the traditional fat-reduction surgery liposuction.

If you’re looking to reduce body fats in the fastest way possible, this article will help shed some light on the pros and cons of fat freezing treatments

How does fat freezing work?

Fat freezing treatments target your fat cells and freezes them, causing apoptosis or “cell death”. The dying cells then go through your body’s biological processes and are eliminated through the liver.

As fat cells have a higher sensitivity to temperature than skin cells, this leaves the surrounding skin undamaged, an advantage that fat freezing has over invasive treatments like liposuction.

No surgery or incisions make it a fairly popular fat-reduction treatment amongst many others.

Some areas of the body that can be treated with fat freezing are:

  • Arms
  • Thighs
  • Back
  • Abdomen
  • Chin

The pros of fat freezing


Fat Freezing devices have a number of applicators with a range of sizes to effectively work on any part of the body. A specialist will place the applicator on the treated area and it will get to work by functionally tugging on the skin, releasing cool energy to destroy the fat cells under your skin.

Many have described their experiences to be pain-free, with the suction of the applicators to be tolerable. 

Short treatment time

Each treatment takes up to 90 minutes for one localised area. If you have more than any one area you’d like to effectively target, it may take longer for results to show. Larger parts of the body such as your back would also take longer to see results.

Short recovery period

Compared to liposuction, fat-freezing treatments can be done as an outpatient treatment. You will be able to return to work the day of or the next day after your treatment. This is also partly because of the low downtime or lack thereof.

Expected results from fat freezing

Clinical studies have also shown that fat freezing can effectively reduce subcutaneous fats by 25% after one session.

The effectiveness of the treatment appeals to clients who are looking to reduce body fats and want significant results in the shortest amount of time.

The cons of fat freezing

Side effects

As with all body sculpting treatments, fat freezing treatments also come with side effects, although they are few.

Some clients report feeling numbness, seeing redness or swelling at affected areas or a heightened skin sensitivity after their treatment.

But with proper fat freezing aftercare, you can reduce such side effects to a minimum or none at all.

Require more than one session

This depends on which body part you would like to focus on.

For larger body areas, your specialist may require you to return every few weeks until significant results begin to show.

If you are targeting more than one body part, you can also expect to return for more sessions to achieve your desired results.