Inspired by an old friend, who sent me the details of Global Wellness, I was reluctant to take the time and read the stacks and stacks of information. Once I made the time and really started reading up about Global Wellness Machines… I was hooked. I have always had an interest in alternative ways of healing the body, and felt that this could be a viable way to work with people and remove them from the day-to-day medications we so easily poison our bodies with. When reading up about all the health benefits the HocatT and Hyperbaric chamber offered, I couldn’t help feeling had I known sooner about Ozone and oxygen therapy, perhaps I would have been able to prevent the loss of my husband, or just make some of the pain he had more bearable. This little business is starting off humbly and small, with the help of my daughters who both have keenly taken to the idea thereof. Though we can’t cure you and certainly offer no quick solution to any form of wellness or weight loss, we can offer you a homey environment, be there for you and assist to improve your health and well-being, as well as your mindset with regards to the ability our bodies have to heal themselves without certain medications.